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Do you really need RowPro?   Take the test

To find out if you'd benefit from using RowPro, try this quick and easy self-test now.

Getting the results you want

Digital Rowing surveyed thousands of Concept2 Indoor Rower users and asked: "What are the keys to achieving your rowing goals?" Here's what they said:

  • A plan to follow - You can intuitively feel the difference between asking "Will I row today?" vs. "What am I scheduled to row today?"
  • A way to track your progress - You get a psychological boost from counting your meters. You feel a strong sense of progress when your power goes up and your heart-rate comes down.
  • Finding the time and motivation to row - There are many competing uses for your time, but in the end you need to keep rowing to stay fit and healthy.
What users say about RowPro

Ellen Dollar - Retired Business Owner, US
"RowPro makes all the difference. I hardly ever row alone any more. I've rowed 98% of the last 5 million meters online with other rowers. RowPro has taken rowing to a whole new level. I absolutely love it. I have friendships I've formed with people in Europe, New Zealand, UK, and all over the US from meeting them online and chatting before and after a row."

Steve Swift - Freelance Writer, US
"I love this software. Despite having worked in the tech realm for a few years, until recently I sincerely did not understand the 'community building' aspect of the Internet until I started using RowPro. Your software is tremendous. I feel like I have friends all over the Blue Planet, thanks to RowPro. No, that's an understatement. I know I have friends all across the Blue Planet thanks to RowPro."


I warmly invite you to make RowPro your life-long rowing companion and motivator. If we can assist or answer a question for you, please contact us at

Pete Loeffen
President, Digital Rowing

Digital Rowing Inc

60 State Street
Suite 700
Boston, MA 02109

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Just 10 days to go ...

Your 20-day free tryout expires in just 10 days.

Buy RowPro before the tryout expires and get:

  • Free entry to Oarbits
    Online Rowing Club
  • A free training article
  • All 3.x upgrades free
  • A 30-day money-back guarantee

Buy RowPro now

Got the Guide?

It's chock-full of tips for getting the results you want. Download your free 30-page PDF Illustrated Guide to Rowing with RowPro.

Other resources
Rowed online yet?

If you haven't already rowed online, now's the time to try it!

Already over 140,000 boats have finished online rows.

Hi, I'm your online rowing coordinator Pam, and I warmly invite you to join me to taste the magic of Online Rowing.

I host online rowing sessions most weekdays where the main focus is easy rowing for fitness.

I would be delighted to give you a personal tour of the online rowing system and row online with you to get you started.

Please e-mail me any time at or catch me in RowPro 'chat' online to arrange a time to get together

You'll find the online river very welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy training!


Try the Rowfile Library

The Rowfile Library is a collection of Rowfiles from major Indoor Rowing Championships like CRASH-B and the BIRC.

During these championships the race computer collects stroke data from all the Concept2 Performance Monitors. This data is processed into Rowfiles.

The result is a massive library of thousands of Rowfiles, each a stroke-by-stroke record of a competitor's race.

You can download the Rowfiles, put them in another lane, and row with them. Try it!

Rowfile Library