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Install and Activate

How to install and activate RowPro

How to install and activate

Choose which RowPro version you are using to see the install and activate steps.

RowPro 5 or later - Windows

You can download the RowPro software from Just download and run RowProSetup.exe to install RowPro in your computer. Note the computer must be running Windows 7 or later, and the computer hardware must have shipped new ex factory with Windows 7 or later.

How to activate a free trial

The first time you start RowPro, the Welcome to RowPro panel shown here will appear.

Your Windows User name and country will be shown above the entry box - you can change these if you want by clicking the blue Edit link.

To start a free trial, just enter your email in the box and click Go. Note your RowPro computer must be online when you do this so RowPro can communicate with the Digital Rowing activation server.

How to activate with a product key

Apart from free trials, RowPro is activated with a product key, which you can buy at

To enter your product key, click Tools | Activate on the RowPro main menu to open the Activate RowPro panel.

Product keys are in the form shown in the yellow box. Just paste or type your product key into the box and click Activate.

If you have any problems activating RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting installation and activation

If you have any problems installing or activating RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Installation checks
  • Internet connection - To download and install RowPro your computer should ideally be connected to the Internet. If your computer is not connected to the internet, you can use a different computer to download RowPro onto a USB drive for example, and then use the USB drive to install RowPro in the target computer. Note that the RowPro computer WILL need to be connected to the Internet at least briefly after installation to activate RowPro.
  • Download package location - Depending on your web browser settings, the RowProSetup.exe file is typically downloaded into your Downloads folder by default. If you don't find it there, try downloading again but this time specify the destination folder.
  • Installation in a work computer - If your RowPro computer is a work computer set up by your IT department, your user permissions may be locked down to some extent. If you have problems getting RowPro installed in this case, please check with your IT department.
  • Installation errors - If the RowPro installer gives any errors, as a first step try Googling the error number - that may indicate the nature of the problem. If you're stuck, please contact for installation assistance.
Free trial checks
  • Internet connection - To activate RowPro your computer needs to be connected to the Internet. Note after activation your computer does not need to be connected to the internet to use RowPro, but it is recommended, and is required for some functions like training plan downloads, online rowing and online logbooks to work.
  • User name and country - By default RowPro gets your Windows user name and country from Windows and displays those in the Welcome to RowPro panel. You can change either of those by clicking the blue Edit link. If your country is not selectable in the dropdown list, please contact
  • Email address - You must enter a valid email address. If RowPro says the email address is not valid but you think it is, please contact
Activation checks
  • Product key format - The product key must be entered in the format shown in the yellow box. If you have purchased RowPro but don't have a product key in the required format, please contact
  • Product key version - The product key governs the number of users and ergs, and which functions are available. If RowPro does not enable the number of users, ergs or functions you expected, your product key may not be the correct version. Please contact
  • Product key expiry - Permanent product keys don't expire. Monthly and annual product keys do expire. After your product key expires you will need to purchase another plan or classic product to actiate RowPro again.
  • Product key locking to computer - Product keys lock themselves to one computer to prevent you from activating RowPro in multiple computers with the same product key. You can move a product key from one computer to another by deactivating RowPro in the old computer then activating in the new computer.

RowPro 5 or later - Mac

You can download the RowPro software from Just download and run the RowPro .dmg file to install RowPro in your Mac. Note the Mac must be running OSX 10.9 or later, ideally 10.11 or later.

How to activate a free trial

The first time you start RowPro, the Welcome to RowPro panel shown here will appear.

Your Windows User name and country will be shown above the entry box - you can change these if you want by clicking the blue Edit link.

To start a free trial, just enter your email in the box and click Go. Note your RowPro computer must be online when you do this so RowPro can communicate with the Digital Rowing activation server.

How to activate with a product key

Apart from free trials, RowPro is activated with a product key, which you can buy at

To enter your product key, click Tools | Activate on the RowPro main menu to open the Activate RowPro panel.

Product keys are in the form shown in the yellow box. Just paste or type your product key into the box and click Activate.

If you have any problems activating RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting installation and activation

If you have any problems installing or activating RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Installation checks
  • Internet connection - To download and install RowPro your computer should ideally be connected to the Internet. If your computer is not connected to the internet, you can use a different computer to download RowPro onto a USB drive for example, and then use the USB drive to install RowPro in the target computer. Note that the RowPro computer WILL need to be connected to the Internet at least briefly after installation to activate RowPro.
  • Download package location - Depending on your web browser settings, the RowProSetup.exe file is typically downloaded into your Downloads folder by default. If you don't find it there, try downloading again but this time specify the destination folder.
  • Installation in a work computer - If your RowPro computer is a work computer set up by your IT department, your user permissions may be locked down to some extent. If you have problems getting RowPro installed in this case, please check with your IT department.
  • Installation errors - If the RowPro installer gives any errors, as a first step try Googling the error number - that may indicate the nature of the problem. If you're stuck, please contact for installation assistance.
Free trial checks
  • Internet connection - To activate RowPro your computer needs to be connected to the Internet. Note after activation your computer does not need to be connected to the internet to use RowPro, but it is recommended, and is required for some functions like training plan downloads, online rowing and online logbooks to work.
  • User name and country - By default RowPro gets your Windows user name and country from Windows and displays those in the Welcome to RowPro panel. You can change either of those by clicking the blue Edit link. If your country is not selectable in the dropdown list, please contact
  • Email address - You must enter a valid email address. If RowPro says the email address is not valid but you think it is, please contact
Activation checks
  • Product key format - The product key must be entered in the format shown in the yellow box. If you have purchased RowPro but don't have a product key in the required format, please contact
  • Product key version - The product key governs the number of users and ergs, and which functions are available. If RowPro does not enable the number of users, ergs or functions you expected, your product key may not be the correct version. Please contact
  • Product key expiry - Permanent product keys don't expire. Monthly and annual product keys do expire. After your product key expires you will need to purchase another plan or classic product to actiate RowPro again.
  • Product key locking to computer - Product keys lock themselves to one computer to prevent you from activating RowPro in multiple computers with the same product key. You can move a product key from one computer to another by deactivating RowPro in the old computer then activating in the new computer.

RowPro 4 or earlier - note these versions of RowPro are Windows only

You can download the RowPro software from Just download and run RowProSetup.exe to install RowPro in your computer. Note the computer must be running Windows 7 or later, and the computer hardware must have shipped new ex factory with Windows 7 or later.

How to activate a free trial

The first time you start RowPro, the Activation Manager panel shown here will appear, with the Tryout tab selected.

To start a free trial, enter your email in the box, select your country and configuration, create an account password, and click Get a Tryout Key Online.

Note your RowPro computer must be online when you do this so RowPro can communicate with the Digital Rowing activation server.

How to activate with a license number

Apart from free trials, RowPro is activated with a license, which you can buy at

To enter your license, click the down arrow next to Help on the RowPro main menu, click Activation Manager, select the Activate tab and click Activate Online.

RowPro license numbers are in the form of an 8-digit number: 12345678. Just paste or type your license number into the box and click OK.

If you have any problems activating RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting installation and activation

If you have any problems installing or activating RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Installation checks
  • Internet connection - To download and install RowPro your computer should ideally be connected to the Internet. If your computer is not connected to the internet, you can use a different computer to download RowPro onto a USB drive for example, and then use the USB drive to install RowPro in the target computer. Note that the RowPro computer WILL need to be connected to the Internet at least briefly after installation to activate RowPro.
  • Download package location - Depending on your web browser settings, the RowProSetup.exe file is typically downloaded into your Downloads folder by default. If you don't find it there, try downloading again but this time specify the destination folder.
  • Installation in a work computer - If your RowPro computer is a work computer set up by your IT department, your user permissions may be locked down to some extent. If you have problems getting RowPro installed in this case, please check with your IT department.
  • Installation errors - If the RowPro installer gives any errors, as a first step try Googling the error number - that may indicate the nature of the problem. If you're stuck, please contact for installation assistance.
Free trial checks
  • Internet connection - To activate RowPro your computer needs to be connected to the Internet. Note after activation your computer does not need to be connected to the internet to use RowPro, but it is recommended, and is required for some functions like online rowing and exporting to Concept2 logbooks to work.
  • Email address - You must enter a valid email address. If RowPro says the email address is not valid but you think it is, please contact
Activation checks
  • License number format - The license number must be entered in the 8-digit format. If you have purchased RowPro but don't have a license number in the required format, please contact
  • License version - The license governs the number of users and ergs, and which functions are available. If RowPro does not enable the number of users, ergs or functions you expected, your license may not be the correct version. Please contact
  • License expiry - Permanent licenses don't expire. Monthly and annual licenses do expire. After your license expires you will need to purchase another license to actiate RowPro again.
  • License locking to computer - Licenses lock themselves to one computer to prevent you from activating RowPro in multiple computers with the same license. You can move a license from one computer to another by deactivating RowPro in the old computer then activating in the new computer.

Using older computers for RowPro

Dedicating an older computer to RowPro is a good idea, as long as the computer is not so old it causes more problems than it's worth. How can you tell? A good rule of thumb is to compare the computer's age to human age using the ratio that 3 computer years = 90 human years. So if your computer is 6 years old, it's about 180 in human terms, and should have been retired some time ago just out of basic decency!

Here are some specific guidelines for using RowPro in older Windows and Mac computers.

Older Windows computers

Digital Rowing no longer supports RowPro in Vista, XP, or older operating systems, and strongly recommends not to run RowPro in those operating systems. The current version of RowPro only runs in Windows 7 or later, and can't be installed in older versions of Windows.

Also, computer hardware that shipped ex factory with Windows Vista or earlier should not be used for RowPro, even if it has since been upgraded to Windows 7 or later. Older hardware and drivers are a major source of issues, especially with RowPro's 3D graphics. Digital Rowing no longer supports RowPro in computer hardware that shipped new ex factory with Windows Vista or earlier.

Older Macs

The current version of RowPro for Mac only runs correctly in OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later, and should not be installed in Macs running older versions of OSX. Digital Rowing recommends using OSX Yosemite v10.10 or later to run RowPro.

If you install RowPro in OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 or earlier, it will not operate correctly. Digital Rowing does not support RowPro in OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 or earlier.

If your Mac is too old to upgrade to OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later, it is not suitable for running RowPro.

About Digital Rowing

Digital Rowing makes computer software for indoor rowing. Our flagship product RowPro is designed exclusively for use with Concept2 Indoor Rowers and is used daily in over 40 countries.

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