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Move RowPro

How to move RowPro to a new computer

How to move RowPro to a new computer

Choose which RowPro version you are using to see the steps for moving RowPro to a different computer.

Moving RowPro 5 or later for Windows to a different computer

Moving RowPro involves the RowPro software, product key and database. Just follow the steps below.

In the old computer

First, find your RowPro database. This is the file named rowing.db, located in the C:\ProgramData\RowPro folder. If you have problems finding your RowPro database, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Copy the RowPro database to a location like a USB drive that you can move to or access from the new computer.

Next, open Help | About RowPro and record your product key. Then deactivate RowPro using Tools | Deactivate on the RowPro main menu.

In the new computer

First, download and install a fresh copy of the RowPro software from

Next, start RowPro and follow the steps to activate it with your product key.

Close RowPro and copy your RowPro database to the same location in the new computer as where you found it.

Restart RowPro and you should see your RowPro data is available. If so, that's it, you're done!

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting moving RowPro

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Finding your RowPro database
  1. In your old computer, open Windows Explorer and use the folder tree on the left to find and select your C: drive.
  2. Expand the C: drive progressively to select the folder C:\ProgramData\RowPro.
  3. In that folder look for a file named rowing.db. Note the file may be named rowing without the .db if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  4. If you need assistance to find your RowPro database, please contact
Finding your RowPro product key
  1. If you can start RowPro on your old computer, you will find your RowPro product key in Help | About RowPro.
  2. If that's not possible, you will find your product key in the Purchase History tab at
  3. If you need assistance to find or use your RowPro product key, please contact
Problems deactivating or activating
  1. If you need assistance deactivating or activating RowPro, please contact
Old computer or its disk drive not available
  1. If your old computer or its disk drive are not available so you can't retrieve your RowPro database, just start RowPro without following the steps to move your old database. RowPro will start with a new empty database.
  2. In this case if you had previously uploaded rows from RowPro to your RowPro online logbook, those rows will still be in your RowPro online logbook, and any new rows you do on your new computer will be added to your RowPro online logbook along with your previous rows from the old computer, even though the local RowPro database on the new computer only has the new rows done on your new computer.

Moving RowPro 5 or later for Mac to a different computer

Moving RowPro involves the RowPro software, product key and database. Just follow the steps below.

In the old computer

First, find your RowPro database. This is the file named rowing.db, located in the \Users\Shared\RowPro folder. If you have problems finding your RowPro database, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Copy the RowPro database to a location like a USB drive that you can move to or access from the new computer.

Next, open RowPro | About RowPro and record your product key. Then deactivate RowPro using Tools | Deactivate on the RowPro main menu.

In the new computer

First, download and install a fresh copy of the RowPro software from

Next, start RowPro and follow the steps to activate it with your product key.

Close RowPro and copy your RowPro database to the same location in the new computer as where you found it.

Restart RowPro and you should see your RowPro data is available. If so, that's it, you're done!

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting moving RowPro

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Finding your RowPro database
  1. In your old computer, open Finder and navigate to the Macintosh HD\Users\Shared\RowPro folder.
  2. In that folder look for a file named rowing.db. Note the file may be named rowing without the .db if Finder is set to hide known file extensions.
  3. If you need assistance to find your RowPro database, please contact
Finding your RowPro product key
  1. If you can start RowPro on your old computer, you will find your RowPro product key in RowPro | About RowPro.
  2. If that's not possible, you will find your product key in the Purchase History tab at
  3. If you need assistance to find or use your RowPro product key, please contact
Problems deactivating or activating
  1. If you need assistance deactivating or activating RowPro, please contact
Old computer or its disk drive not available
  1. If your old computer or its disk drive are not available so you can't retrieve your RowPro database, just start RowPro without following the steps to move your old database. RowPro will start with a new empty database.
  2. In this case if you had previously uploaded rows from RowPro to your RowPro online logbook, those rows will still be in your RowPro online logbook, and any new rows you do on your new computer will be added to your RowPro online logbook along with your previous rows from the old computer, even though the local RowPro database on the new computer only has the new rows done on your new computer.

Moving RowPro 4 or earlier to a different computer

Moving RowPro involves the RowPro software, license and database. Just follow the steps below.

In the old computer

First, find your RowPro database. This is the file named Rowing.mdb, located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro folder. If you have problems finding your RowPro database, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Copy the RowPro database to a location like a USB drive that you can move to or access from the new computer.

Next, click the down arrow next to Help on the RowPro main menu, then click Activation Manager, and in the Maintenance tab click Deactivate Online. Record your license number before you deactivate.

In the new computer

First, download and install a fresh copy of the RowPro software from

Next, start RowPro and follow the steps to activate it with your license number.

Close RowPro and copy your RowPro database to the same location in the new computer as where you found it.

Restart RowPro and you should see your RowPro data is available. If so, that's it, you're done!

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting moving RowPro

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Finding your RowPro database
  1. In your old computer, open Windows Explorer and look for a folder C:\Users\<your Windows User name>. So for example if your Windows user name is johndoe, the folder you want is C:\Users\johndoe.
  2. Now type the following into the 'address bar' at the top of Windows Explorer: C:\Users\<your Windows User name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro.
  3. If that folder exists, look in there for a file named Rowing.mdb - this is your RowPro database. Note the file may be named Rowing without the .mdb if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  4. If that folder does not exist, navigate to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro and locate the file Rowing.mdb - this is your RowPro database. Again, note the file may be named Rowing without the .mdb if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  5. If you need assistance to find your RowPro database, please contact
Finding your RowPro license number
  1. If you can start RowPro on your old computer, you will find your RowPro license number in Help | About RowPro.
  2. If that's not possible, find your license number in the Purchase History tab at
  3. If you need assistance to find or use your RowPro license number, please contact
Problems deactivating or activating
  1. If you need assistance deactivating or activating RowPro, please contact
Old computer or its disk drive not available
  1. If your old computer or its disk drive are not available so you can't retrieve your RowPro database, just start RowPro without following the steps to move your old database. RowPro will start with a new empty database.

Moving and upgrading from RowPro 4 or earlier to RowPro 5 or later in Windows or Mac

This is slightly more complex than just moving RowPro. RowPro 4 is Windows only, activates with a license, and has an older-style database. RowPro 5 is Windows or Mac, activates with a product key, and has a newer-style database.

Moving RowPro involves the RowPro software, the old license and the new product key, and the old and new databases. Just follow the steps below.

In the old computer

First, find your RowPro database. This is the file named Rowing.mdb, located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro folder. If you have problems finding your RowPro database, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Copy the RowPro database to a location like a USB drive that you can move to or access from the new computer.

Next, click the down arrow next to Help on the RowPro main menu, then click Activation Manager, and in the Maintenance tab click Deactivate Online. Record your license number before you deactivate.

In the new computer

If the new computer runs Windows and you are installing RowPro 5 or later, go to the "RowPro 5 or later - Windows" tab above and follow the steps in the "In the new computer" section.

If the new computer is a Mac and you are installing RowPro 5 or later, go to the "RowPro 5 or later - Mac" tab above and follow the steps in the "In the new computer" section.

Troubleshooting moving RowPro

If you have any problems moving RowPro, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Finding your RowPro database
  1. In your old computer, open Windows Explorer and look for a folder C:\Users\<your Windows User name>. So for example if your Windows user name is johndoe, the folder you want is C:\Users\johndoe.
  2. Now type the following into the 'address bar' at the top of Windows Explorer: C:\Users\<your Windows User name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro.
  3. If that folder exists, look in there for a file named Rowing.mdb - this is your RowPro database. Note the file may be named Rowing without the .mdb if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  4. If that folder does not exist, navigate to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro and locate the file Rowing.mdb - this is your RowPro database. Again, note the file may be named Rowing without the .mdb if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  5. If you need assistance to find your RowPro database, please contact
Finding your RowPro license number
  1. If you can start RowPro on your old computer, you will find your RowPro license number in Help | About RowPro.
  2. If that's not possible, find your license number in the Purchase History tab at
  3. If you need assistance to find or use your RowPro license number, please contact
Problems deactivating or activating
  1. If you need assistance deactivating or activating RowPro, please contact
Old computer or its disk drive not available
  1. If your old computer or its disk drive are not available so you can't retrieve your RowPro database, just start RowPro without following the steps to move your old database. RowPro will start with a new empty database.

Moving your RowPro 4.3 database to RowPro 5

RowPro 4.3 has a local logbook, stored in the RowPro database on the computer's hard disk. With RowPro 5 there are two logbooks - online and local. The ‘main’ RowPro 5 logbook is the online logbook, whereas the local logbook is just for cases where the RowPro computer is not online.

On the Digital Rowing website there is a utility that imports your RowPro 4.3 logbook into your RowPro 5 online logbook. The utility is available at Follow the steps below to use this utility.

There are a few points to note:

  1. To use it you need to drag and drop your Rowing.mdb file onto the marked area. You can’t (yet) browse to the file or type in its name.
  2. It only imports rows from your RowPro rowing log. It doesn’t (yet) import for example training plans.
  3. It only imports into your RowPro online logbook, so if there are multiple users in the database you should only choose the user that matches the login you used to access the utility, otherwise your RowPro online logbook could end up containing the rows of one of the other users of RowPro 4.3.
  4. The Rowing.mdb file is in the Program Files (x86)/Digital Rowing/RowPro folder. Note sometimes Windows 7 and later move this file into a folder called the Virtual Store, so if you can’t find it, Google Windows Virtual Store and you should find it in the equivalent folder in there.
  5. The rows are imported into the RowPro 5 online logbook only, not the RowPro 5 local logbook.

Note that this transition from 4.3 to 5 is a one-off. Previously version upgrades were handled seamlessly, and going forward that will be the case again, it’s just this once going from 4.3 to 5 there’s a manual effort required on your part to import your 4.3 data into 5.

Find your RowPro 4.3 database

The RowPro 4.3 database is a file named Rowing.mdb. It is located in one of two folders on your computer's disk:

  1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro, or
  2. C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro, where xxx is your Windows user name.

If you have problems finding your RowPro database, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Import your RowPro 4.3 logbook

To import your RowPro 4.3 logbook:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Drag and drop your Rowing.mdb file onto the marked area. Note you can’t browse to the file or type in its name, you can only drag and drop it onto the utility.
  3. The utility will upload the database, then list the users found in the database. Choose only the user that is you, otherwise your RowPro online logbook could end up containing the rows of other RowPro users.
  4. The utility will now import the logbook for the user/s you selected. Once it's done you can view your RowPro online logbook and see the rows that were imported.

Note: The utility only imports rows from your RowPro rowing log. It doesn’t import for example training plans. Also the rows are imported into your RowPro online logbook only, not your RowPro 5 local logbook. If you have problems importing your RowPro 4.3 logbook, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

Troubleshooting importing your RowPro 4.3 logbook

If you have any problems importing your RowPro 4.3 logbook, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

Finding your RowPro database
  1. In your old computer, open Windows Explorer and look for a folder C:\Users\<your Windows User name>. So for example if your Windows user name is johndoe, the folder you want is C:\Users\johndoe.
  2. Now type the following into the 'address bar' at the top of Windows Explorer: C:\Users\<your Windows User name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro.
  3. If that folder exists, look in there for a file named Rowing.mdb - this is your RowPro database. Note the file may be named Rowing without the .mdb if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  4. If that folder does not exist, navigate to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Rowing\RowPro and locate the file Rowing.mdb - this is your RowPro database. Again, note the file may be named Rowing without the .mdb if Windows Explorer is set to hide known file extensions, which it does by default.
  5. If you need assistance to find your RowPro database, please contact
Importing your RowPro 4.3 logbook
  1. If the database won't upload, please check your Internet connection.
  2. If your database doesn't appear to contain as many rows as you expected, follow the steps above to find the correct RowPro database. There may be more than one - the one you want is the biggest one.
  3. If you receive an error message during the upload or import process, please follow the steps indicated in the error message.
  4. If you need assistance to import your RowPro 4.3 logbook, please contact
About Digital Rowing

Digital Rowing makes computer software for indoor rowing. Our flagship product RowPro is designed exclusively for use with Concept2 Indoor Rowers and is used daily in over 40 countries.

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