Connecting from home

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Connecting from home

Home user with your own computer

In this scenario:


You are running RowPro in your home computer.

You have full administrative control over your computer settings.

Your RowPro computer is connected to the Internet.

You are not using a Proxy Server (typically you would not be).


Under these conditions, RowPro should just be able to connect to the Internet.


If you strike problems, possible issues are:




Action to resolve issue

Firewall Warning TCP Port 80

You might get a warning from your  Firewall the first time RowPro needs to connect to the Internet saying RowPro is attempting to connect to the Internet via TCP Port 80.

Click Yes to allow RowPro to access the Internet via TCP Port 80.

Firewall Warning UDP Port 9300

You might get a warning from your  Firewall the first time you click Set up a Row | Online saying RowPro is attempting to connect to the Internet via UDP Port 9300.

Click Yes to allow RowPro to access the Internet via UDP Port 9300.

Scenario 2: Home user with company computer

Home user with company computer

In this scenario:


You are running RowPro in your company computer at home.

You do not have full administrative control over your computer settings.

Your RowPro computer is connected to the Internet.

You are not using a Proxy Server at home.


Under these conditions, RowPro may not have the permissions it needs to connect to the Internet. Possible issues are:




Action to resolve issue

Firewall Warning TCP Port 80

You might get a warning from your  Firewall the first time RowPro needs to connect to the Internet saying RowPro is attempting to connect to the Internet via TCP Port 80.

Click Yes to allow RowPro to access the Internet via TCP Port 80. If you cannot change this setting, you will need assistance from your computer administrator.

Firewall Warning UDP Port 9300

You might get a warning from your  Firewall the first time you click Set up a Row | Online saying RowPro is attempting to connect to the Internet via UDP Port 9300.

Click Yes to allow RowPro to access the Internet via UDP Port 9300. If you cannot change this setting, you will need assistance from your computer administrator.

Internet access administratively blocked

Your computer administrator may have configured your computer to prevent you as a user from accessing the Internet, or to prevent any other application besides your Web Browser from accessing the Internet.

If you cannot change this setting, you will need assistance from your computer administrator.

Internet access only allowed via your company network

Your computer administrator may have configured your computer to only connect to the Internet through your company network (even when you are at home), which may introduce a company Firewall and/or a company Proxy Server between RowPro and the Internet.

See Connecting from work, school or gym.