Connecting to the Internet

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Connecting to the Internet

RowPro functions that require an Internet connection

The following RowPro functions require an Internet connection on TCP Port 80, which is the standard port your web browser uses:


Starting a free trial online

Activating RowPro online

Uploading results to your RowPro online logbook

Using the Oarbits online rowing utility


The following RowPro functions require an Internet connection on UDP Port 9300, which is a special port reserved for online rowing:


All online rowing functions in Set up a Row | Online, including selecting and joining a row, check-in, start, rowing, results, and chat.


Digital Rowing highly recommends you enable RowPro to access the Internet.


If you're connecting to the Internet from home, then by default, once your RowPro computer is connected to the Internet, RowPro will be able to connect to Digital Rowing on both TCP Port 80 and UDP Port 9300 without you needing to do anything.


If you're connecting from a commercial or school network, there will almost certainly be Proxy Servers and Firewalls that by default block RowPro from connecting, and in that case you will need to work with the network administrators to get setting changes made that enable RowPro to connect.


To troubleshoot Internet connection problems, see the Troubleshooting Internet connections help topic.