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You can set the following preferences for RowPro:
There are three settings:
1.Display mode - RowPro can be set to run in either 2D or 3D. By default RowPro runs in 3D. In Windows there are two 3D methods - Direct3D and OpenGL. In MacOS there is only OpenGL. If RowPro has problems running in 3D in Windows, try selecting the other 3D method and see if that works. If you need to force RowPro to start in 2D, hit the 2 button on your keyboard while the small blue 'splash screen' is showing when RowPro starts.
2.Anti-aliasing - Aliasing is a built-in method for smoothing jagged lines in 3D graphics. In RowPro preferences there are four levels from None to Full. Higher levels are more intensive on your computer's GPU, and in some cases can trigger older graphics drivers to choke and fail. If you're having any problems with RowPro in 3D, try setting the anti-aliasing to None. The 3D will be less smooth-looking but more reliable, and the GPU load will reduce.
3.3D display - This checkbox makes RowPro use broadcast camerawork, where the camera position in the 3D display changes to make it more interesting, in a way that's similar to what you'd see if you were watching coverage of a rowing regatta being broadcast on TV. Deselecting this checkbox makes the camera simply track alongside the lead boat all the time.
Note: In the normal use of RowPro you should not need to touch any of the display settings and you'd be well advised to just leave them in their default state. They only really come into play if you are having graphics issues.
RowPro connects to your Concept2 PM3, PM4 or PM5. RowPro doesn't know what Concept2 Indoor Rower model the PM is mounted on. These settings enable you to tell RowPro what model you have, and that enables RowPro to record that, and include that info when rows are exported to your Concept2 logbook.
The three choices are:
1.Fixed - This covers Concept2 models like C, D or E that sit stationary on the floor and don't move.
2.Slides - This covers where the fixed model has been mounted on slides and moves back and forth while you row.
3.Dynamic - This is for the Concept2 Dynamic erg where the foot rests move back and forth while you row.
By default, RowPro runs in the language set in your computer's operating system. The languages supported are English, French, German and Spanish.
If your operating system is set to any other language, RowPro defaults to English. You can over-ride that automatic choice in Tools | Preferences | Language.
There are three settings:
1.Concept2 PM - If your HRM is connected to your Concept2 PM such that you can read your HR in the bottom right panel of the PM, then RowPro can read your HR direct from the PM. With this setting the HR chart will show a red line and target HR bands will show as pink bands. This is the preferred setting, because RowPro can save your HR for later analysis, plus you get better feedback while you row.
2.Watch -If your HRM is connected to a watch you wear, and you can see that while you row, this setting is the one to use. With this setting the HR chart will show an upper and lower HR number when you have HR targets set, and you can visually track those vs what your HR is showing on the watch. This helps you keep your HR in the target zones while you row, but RowPro can't record your HR.
3.None - If you have neither of the above, then with this setting the HR chart shows text that tells you the physiological cues to look for to ensure your HR is within target bands. this is of course somewhat subjective, and in general is not recommended.
As you move from warm-up to main row to warm-down, RowPro automatically advances you with a built-in delay at each step to enable you to regroup yourself for the next step, and to enable the flywheel to stop, which is sometimes important. You can use this setting to change the delay to more or less than the default 30 seconds.