Introducing RowPro 5

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Introducing RowPro 5


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Welcome to RowPro 5

RowPro 5 is packed with features to help every aspect of your rowing:


Direct PM connection - Direct 2-way USB connection from RowPro to your Concept2 PM5, PM4 or PM3 Performance Monitor, to set up rows, track your performance as you row, and record your results.

3D animation - Advanced multi-lane 3D on-water rowing animation tracks your stroke action and shows you excellent stroke technique as you row.

Coaching clinic - A 3D Coaching Clinic where Olympic rowing coach Brian Hawthorne shows you how to row.

Personalized rowing plans - Rowing plans for competition, fitness and weight control, plus a Wizard to select the best plan based on your personal profile and goals and tailor them to you.

Racing - Virtual Racing with pace boats or past rows, Venue Racing between up to 8 Indoor Rowers, and live Online Rowing with others around the world.

Rowing log - Totals, splits and stroke data are automatically recorded in your RowPro online logbook, and from there can be exported to your Concept2 online logbook.

Performance analysis - Split-by-split charts show how much your pace and heart rate have improved over time.

Multi user - Provides personal rowing plans, rowing logs, custom rows and settings for each user.


You can get the brochure by clicking the image below, or from the Documents section of the Digital Rowing website at





RowPro brochure



Topics covered in the brochure:


1.RowPro is your key to successful rowing

2.Get the results you want

3.Special offer

4.How RowPro helps you

5.Why use RowPro?

6.My RowPro

7.Get RowPro


9.Contact info