Advanced custom row studio

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Advanced custom row studio

Custom rows can range from simple to complex.


Simple ones can be created locally within RowPro via Set up a Row | Custom | Create new custom row.  These can be either Continuous rows or Fixed Interval rows, and they can optionally have targets set for Pace, HR, or SPM.


For more complex rows, for example rows with variable intervals, there is an Advanced Custom Row Studio (ACRS).


Note: This is one of the online components of RowPro, so it can only be used if RowPro is online.


The general sequence is:


1.Open the ACRS via Set up a Row | Custom | Create new custom row | Advanced...

2.Use the ACRS to create the advanced custom row and save it in the Advanced Custom Row Library.

3.From the list of saved advanced custom rows in the Advanced Custom Row Library, click Download to download the advanced custom rows you want into RowPro.

4.Once they're downloaded into RowPro, they appear on the list of custom rows in Set up a Row | Custom, where you can select them and row them, including offline if you want.

5.You can re-use downloaded advanced custom rows as many times as you want.


The steps for creating an advanced custom row in the ACRS are at the top of the ACRS, and are copied below:


Quick how-to

Use this studio to create custom rows with up to 30 intervals, each with optional target bands. Note: A row with only 1 interval is treated as a continuous row.



Specifying an interval is simple: First enter a time or distance for that interval in the format shown in the Intervals panel. Then just keep adding intervals until you’re done.


Put a space after the interval, then use letters A-L to indicate which target band applies to that interval. Use R for Recovery - i.e. rowing easy to recover between active intervals, or N for None - i.e. no targets, or S for Stop - i.e. not rowing.



For each target band A-L that you used in the Intervals panel, you now need to specify that target band in the Targets panel. You can set target bands for Watts, Calories, Pace, Heartrate in BPM, Stroke rate in SPM, or any mix of those.


Note: You would not normally use Heartrate, Watts, Calories or Pace target bands together as they will ‘compete’ with each other. Just pick one of them, then add a Stroke rate target band if you wish.


The correct format for specifying target bands is shown in the Targets panel. If you don’t make an entry in the correct format, the entry will be highlighted in red and you will not be able to save the custom row.


You can optionally add a brief description or comment after each interval or target band, just put a * character in, then any text after the * will be treated as a comment.


Once you’re done, click Save to save it in the Advanced Custom Row Library, where you can select it to Edit, Download or Delete it.