Rowing with RowPro Multi

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Rowing with RowPro Multi

RowPro Multi has all the functionality of the standard single-erg version, plus a range of additional capabilities that enable you to connect multiple ergs for group training or venue racing.  


RowPro Multi can operate in either single-erg mode or multi-erg mode.


Single-erg mode

If you connect just one Concept2 erg, RowPro Multi automatically goes into single-erg mode, and in that mode, is effectively the same as the standard RowPro.


There are guides for the standard RowPro at  Please use those guides for information about using RowPro Multi in single-erg mode.


RowPro guides


RowPro single-erg illustrated guides and mini-guides


Multi-erg mode

If you connect more than one Concept2 erg, RowPro Multi automatically goes into multi-erg mode, and in that mode, enables you to connect and use the number of ergs permitted by your RowPro product key, up to a maximum of 8 ergs.


See the Get the guide subtopic for a link to the guide.